by River Otter | May 21, 2017
Black-tailed Deer Each year between April and June, female Black-tailed Deer give birth to tiny, spotted fawns. On average, the first year a doe gives birth she will deliver one fawn. Each year that follows, the doe will most likely bear twins. Fawns are born weighing...
by River Otter | May 21, 2017
Brandts Cormorant Three species of cormorants nest in the San Francisco Bay Area; Brandt’s, double-crested, and pelagic. Each species has different nesting habits. Brandt’s cormorants build nests out of seaweed and are packed close together along level or slightly...
by River Otter | May 21, 2017
Western Gull Western gulls are one of a dozen species of gulls that breed in the San Francisco Bay Area. Western gulls have managed to adapt very well to living in urban environments. These birds owe much of their success to the fact that there’s little they...
by River Otter | May 21, 2017
Burrowing Owl Burrowing owls in California primarily rely upon burrows dug by California Ground Squirrels for nesting sites. For owls they are unusual in being diurnal. They can be seen standing around near their burrow, often perched on something at a slight...
by River Otter | May 21, 2017
Snowy Plover The Western snowy plover is a federally listed threatened species. This tiny and delicate shorebird was once abundant along the coast of California. Loss of habitat due to coastal development and the encroachment of invasive exotic plant species have left...