Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve gathered many of the most commonly-asked questions here for your convenience.

Volunteer Opportunities FAQs


Volunteer Opportunities

Is taking a week or more off for vacation a problem?
No, never! We want you to take time off, to recharge, to have fun and to do whatever you want or need. Just let us know and we can cover for you.

Do I need to have science background and/or experience?
Absolutely not; we train you in everything you need to know.

Will I handle otters?
Unless you are a specifically-trained volunteer who collects otter carcasses for necropsy, you will never handle an otter. We don’t do otter rehabilitation or veterinary work.

Is this a social opportunity?
We must be clear; it’s not especially social, except for the environmental tabling events, which are fun and social. If you’re seeking social activities, which we all love, the environmental outreach and education are good opportunities to consider.

What’s the training like?
Our training begins with 3 Saturdays in June, where we introduce you to our project, our research, otter natural history, otter track and sign and documentation. We include two field days with this training. After the training, you will be paired with an experienced field volunteer who will complete your training. Once you are ready, you will get your own site.

Do all the volunteers ever get together?
Yes, we have a volunteer appreciation party once a year, and sometimes gather for other occasions, usually informally and often surrounding an environmental outreach event. We also have fundraising events every other year, which volunteers are invited to attend.

Otter Spotter FAQs


Otter Spotter Citizen Scientists

What’s your geographic range?
Mainly the western United States, but we’re happy to take sightings from anywhere in North America.

When will I see my sighting on the map?
We update the map quarterly, usually in March, June, September and December.

What if the otter sighting is in a sensitive area, or I feel it should not go on the map?
We will honor your decision and not show the sighting on the map. At times, according to our own knowledge, we do not place sightings on the public map. The data is retained in our data base, but is not made public.

What if I’m not sure if it’s an otter?
Please take a picture if you can, and include it with your sighting. We can help you figure out what animal it is. Please see our educational photos and videos to help identify the animal.

Are you interested in sightings of otter scat or tracks?
Absolutely! Please submit photos along with the sighting.

What if I find a dead otter?
Please email us or call our office: 415-342-7956. Supply as much information about where the otter is, whether it’s safely accessible (i.e. not on a busy highway or on- or off-ramp), and whether the carcass has been predated or not.

Where can I find the updated CDFW range map?
The CDFW range map is located hereThey are in the process of updating the map.

What kind of health testing do you do on dead otters?
We partner with The Marine Mammal Center and with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for necropsies where we seek cause of death, including health issues like bacterial, viral or fungal infections, cancer, or trauma from a car strike. If warranted, we will send out for toxicology reports as well.

Internship FAQs


Internship Opportunities

Who can be an intern?
Anyone 18 or older Where is the internship? Marin County, CA

When do internships begin and end?
Field internships begin in June and end in November

What are the hours?
15 hours a week June through August, 10-12 hours a week once classes begin in September

Is there a stipend?
Yes, a small stipend

Are there internships during the school semester?
Yes, there can be.

Do you provide housing?

Do I need experience with field work?
Not required, but welcomed.

Do I need transportation?
Yes, there is little public transportation in Marin.

How do I apply for an internship with ROEP?
To apply for an internship, please send us an email. Include your CV and let us know why you’re interested in our program, as well as your availability during the summer or the school year. Before sending the email, be sure to go to our Internship page for complete information about the program.

Chip In FAQs


Chip In

What shows up on my statement?
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Is my transaction secure?
Yes. We take take extra precautions to ensure your personal information is kept safe and out of the hands of the wrong people. By using a secure (encrypted SSL) internet connection, your donation transaction is hidden from unauthorized people. An easy way to check if your connection is secure is by looking at the URL. A secure connection will appear like this: “https://” while an insecure connection will look like this: “HTTP://.” 

Do I get a receipt?
Yes, you’ll receive a receipt via email immediately after your PayPal donation transaction. You’ll also receive a digital receipt at the end of the year for tax planning.

How can I contact you?
Please send us an email or call 415-342-7956.

What are Corporate Sponsorship opportunities?
A corporate sponsorship with the River Otter Ecology Project offers companies, both large and small, the opportunity to support a mission that is truly multidimensional, not only as it advocates for the world of otters and other wildlife, but through work promoting the health and stability of our environment Corporate sponsorships provide direct financial support, as well as in-kind services and materials, which are vital to the successful delivery of our mission. The River Otter Ecology Project provides a wide range of sponsorship opportunities and benefits, allowing our partners to select a level appropriate for their budgets and goals. We can help your business gain greater visibility, enhance its cause-related marketing, and enrich your giving experience. Please contact the ROEP Development Department.

Who should I contact to discuss other ways to make a contribution?
Please contact the ROEP Development Department.

Who should I contact to speak with someone about making a gift from my estate?
We would be pleased to confidentially discuss some of the options with you. A charitable bequest is the most common way for folks to remember the River Otter Ecology Project in their will or trust. You can simply add an amendment, called a codicil, to your will or living trust. Here is suggested language that you should have your attorney review: “I give devise and bequeath to the River Otter Ecology Project (tax I.D.# 45-4997526) located in Forest Knolls, California, the sum of ____ dollars ($____), (or state a percentage of your estate, or describe real or personal property, including the exact location) for the benefit of the River Otter Ecology Project.” The River Otter Ecology Project is a tax-exempt organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law, and in many cases your legacy gift may provide tax and financial benefits for you and your descendants. The River Otter Ecology Project considers your information confidential. We encourage you to discuss your wishes for a charitable planned gift with your personal financial and tax advisors. The above is for informational purposes only, and not intended to be tax or legal advice. Prior to making such a gift to the River Otter Ecology Project, please consult a qualified financial advisor. 

Is my contribution tax deductible?
Yes, to the extent allowed by law. Please contact your accountant or tax attorney for information on allowable deductions. 

What is your tax ID number?
Tax I.D.# 45-4997526

What percent of my contribution goes directly to programs?
We are a small and lean organization. 86% of your contribution goes directly to programs. 

What are the benefits for becoming a “Ring of Bright Water” donor? 
We will provide a dignified attribution, invite you to join us for an exclusive annual outing and personal behind-the-scenes exploration with our staff.

Community Education FAQs


Community Education FAQs

Can my school participate?
Please send us an email to discuss how your school might participate. For internship information, visit our intern page.

What are tabling events?
Tabling events are usually organized environmental festivals or other educational events. Our project volunteers attend the event with educational and fun activities for children and adults. We spend a few hours talking to people about otters and our project as they come by. They’re low key, fun, and a good opportunity to get to know your fellow volunteers and meet the public. Please see our Volunteer page to sign up for training.

What is the schedule for tabling events?
Please see our Presentation & Events page.

How do I sign up?
Please see our Volunteer page.

How do I schedule a field trip for my school group?
Please send us an email.

Is your question still unanswered?
Please call 415-342-7956 or email us and we’ll be happy to help you.

The River Otter Ecology Project is a registered 501 (c)(3) EIN #45-4997526 non-profit organization dedicated to the welfare of river otters and our watershed. Our organization is not affiliated with any other otter-related research group or community outreach organization.

© 2022 River Otter Ecology Project

River Otter Ecology Project
PO Box 103
Forest Knolls, CA  94933
General email