Harbor Seal

Harbor Seal

Harbor Seal Harbor seals are frequently seen along the Northern California coast, balancing their spotted, sausage shaped bodies as they sun themselves on small rocks. Harbor seals have adapted to living in many different habitats including bays, estuaries, freshwater...
Gray Whale

Gray Whale

Gray Whale Spring and fall months are a great time to see gray whales along the Northern California coast. Gray whales spend their summers feeding in the arctic. In early fall, by the thousands these giant marine mammals begin their long southward migration to their...
Elephant Seal

Elephant Seal

Elephant Seal Elephant seals are the largest pinniped (seal or sea lion) along the Northern California coast. They breed in large numbers every winter at Ano Nuevo State Reserve in San Mateo County. During the breeding season, massive, four thousand pound bulls fight....
Blue Whale

Blue Whale

California Sea Lion During the summer and fall Blue Whales feed along the California Coast, then return to their wintering grounds several hundred miles off the coast of Costa Rica. Scientists estimate that there were once 200,000 Blue Whales inhabiting the world’s...
California Sea Lion

California Sea Lion

California Sea Lion Most of the California Sea Lions we see and hear along our coast are males. They come to the Bay Area coastline after traveling up the coast from their breeding grounds, and rest here for several months before venturing further north to feed....