Pacific Tree Frog

Pacific Tree Frog

Pacific Tree Frog Pacific Tree Frogs are small, up to 5 centimeters long, and may be any color from pale grey or tan to bronze or bright emerald green. Pacific Tree Frogs have a conspicuous dark “mask” or stripe extending from the nostrils through the eye as far as...
Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly At the time of their arrival, monarchs cluster in numerous locations throughout the Monterey Bay coast. As the weather gets colder and rainy, monarchs leave these less protected locations in search of areas offering more shelter from the winter...
Jerusalem Cricket

Jerusalem Cricket

Jerusalem Cricket Warm summer nights just wouldn’t be the same without the sound of crickets to serenade us in our sleep.   Crickets are able to produce sound by “stridulation”, a process in which two very specialized body parts, the scraper and the file, are...
Garter Snake

Garter Snake

Garter Snake Garter snakes occupy a variety of habitats including pond and stream edges, wetlands, forests, fields, rocky hillsides and residential areas. They are often observed as they bask on rocks, woodpiles, stonewalls, hedges and swimming pool decks.  ...
California Newt

California Newt

California Newt For one common local species, the California newt, winter rains and internal hormonal changes will announce the start of their annual migration. California newts emerge from their terrestrial homes, under logs or rocks, and head toward the pond, marsh...