Moving toward an Equitable World
The San Francisco Bay Area offers rich and exciting diversity, in both human and natural resources. River Otter Ecology Project is addressing inclusion and diversity on our Board of Directors, within our volunteer group, and among the people we serve through our research, outreach, and education projects by engaging in the following actions:
- Our board works on a series of steps to further equity and diversity within our organization.
- We are seeking three new Board members who reflect a diverse range of backgrounds, ethnicities, ages, and skill sets.
- As we solicit new volunteers, we are making additional efforts to include people who more closely reflect our San Francisco Bay Area diversity.
- Our classroom education work specifically strives to for inclusion through our work with Tomales High School.
- We endorsed the West Marin Nonprofits Equity Statement and are working as part of the Coalition for Equity and Justice.
- We are proud signes of the following Call for Equity and Solidarity:
Bridging Divides: A Call for Equity and Solidarity
As the nation enters the next four years under new leadership, we, the undersigned members of the West Marin Coalition for Equity and Justice (CEJ), reaffirm our unwavering commitment to promoting equity, solidarity, and inclusion in our community.
We stand united in supporting those most impacted by systemic inequities, including our immigrant community. This moment reminds us of the critical work ahead: bridging divides, confronting injustice, and fostering a future where all individuals are treated with dignity and respect.
Over the next four years, we pledge to:
* Advocate tirelessly for policies and protections that uphold justice and equity.
* Strengthen collaboration to uplift historically marginalized communities to ensure everyone’s rights, dignity, and access to resources are protected and supported.
* Continue addressing systemic barriers and fostering respect, compassion, inclusion, and opportunity for all.
We draw inspiration from the resilience of those who came before us, who turned moments of challenge into opportunities for progress. Guided by these values, we embrace this pivotal time as an opportunity to create meaningful and lasting change.
Together, we are building a West Marin where diversity is celebrated, disparities are dismantled, and justice prevails for generations to come.
We, the undersigned nonprofit organizations of West Marin, add our voices to the protests against the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Maurice Gordon and countless others at the hands of law enforcement and vigilantes.
We acknowledge the systemic racism at play in our country and county, and commit to facilitate change and foster the inclusivity that this moment in history demands. We recognize that this is the work we must do to truly live out our values of equity and inclusion.
Together we agree to:
- Carry out our own internal work within our respective organizations to address bias and racism, while advancing equity, diversity and inclusion;
- Share our learning with each other for more effective action; and
- Collaborate as West Marin nonprofits to work with our communities in confronting systemic racism.
We draw our inspiration from courageous leaders who over the centuries have challenged exploitation, racism and violence.
Nosotros, las organizaciones abajo firmantes sin fines de lucro de West Marin, agrega nuestras voces a las protestas contra el asesinato de George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Maurice Gordon y las innumerables muertes de tantos otros a manos de las fuerzas del orden público y de justicieros.
Somos conscientes del racismo sistémico presente en nuestro país y condado. Nos comprometemos a facilitar el cambio y a fomenter la inclusión que exige este momento de nuestra historia. Somos conscientes de que esto es lo que debemos hacer si realmente queremos poner en práctica nuestros valores de equidad e inclusión.
Juntos, nos comprometemos a:
Llevar a cabo nuestro propio trabajo a nivel interno en nuestras respectivas organizaciones para resolver el racismo y los prejuicios, y al mismo tiempo, avanzar hacia la equidad, la diversidad y la inclusión;
Intercambiar lo que aprendamos para actuar de una manera más eficaz;
Colaborar como organizaciones sin fines de lucro de West Marin con nuestras comunidades para enfrentarnos juntos contra el racismo sistémico.
Nos inspiramos en los líderes que con su valentía han desafiado, a lo largo de los siglos, la explotación, el racismo y la violencia.
Audubon Canyon Ranch · Black Mountain Circle · Bolinas Community Center · Bolinas Community Land Trust · Bolinas Museum · Bolinas Stinson Summer Camp · Bolinas Stinson Union School District – Board of Trustees · Coastal Health Alliance · Commonweal · Community Land Trust Association of West Marin · East Shore Planning Group · Environmental Action Committee of West Marin · Gallery Route One · Gan HaLev – the Jewish Congregation of the San Geronimo Valley · Inverness Garden Club Scholarship Fund · KWMR · Mesa Refuge · Natura Institute for Ecology and Medicine · Nicasio Historical Society · Nicasio Land Owners Association, Inc. · Nicasio Land Preserve · Papermill Creek Children’s Corner · Parent Services Project · Point Reyes National Seashore Association · Point Reyes Station Village Association · River Otter Ecology Project · Saint Columba’s Episcopal Church · San Geronimo Valley Affordable Housing Association · San Geronimo Valley Community Center · Shoreline Acres Preschool · Shoreline Unified School District · Slide Ranch · Sound Orchard · Stinson Beach and Bolinas Briones Lions Club · Stinson Beach Community Center · The Dance Palace Community & Cultural Center · The Inverness Association & Foundation · The Rotary Club of West Marin · Tomales Bay Library Association · Tomales Bay Youth Center · Tomales Town Hall · Turtle Island Restoration Network · West Marin Community Services · West Marin Fund · West Marin Senior Services
The River Otter Ecology Project is a registered 501 (c)(3) EIN #45-4997526 non-profit organization dedicated to the welfare of river otters and our watershed. Our organization is not affiliated with any other otter-related research group or community outreach organization.
© 2024 River Otter Ecology Project