On Writing

On Writing

This past summer, I spent my second time in Tulum, Tankah Bay. Staring into the sea, body absorbing sun, inhaling salt air, my feet buried and unburied in sand. I now look for these elements in poems. Where is the earth? Air? Fire? Where is the poem’s water? Together...


By guest blogger Robyn Aston  June 25, 2018 Robyn is River Otter Ecology Project’s Board of Directors Volunteer Lead. He also volunteers on our monitoring team, camera trapping and scat collecting. He works in the lab on our prey study, and you can often...
A Story of Recovery

A Story of Recovery

By guest blogger Beth Cataldo  December 10, 2017 Beth is a certified California Naturalist, Winter Wildlife Docent at Point Reyes National Seashore and a BeachWatch volunteer at the Farallones Marine Sanctuary Association. She began volunteering with ROEP in June...
Elusive Otters

Elusive Otters

By guest blogger Talia Rose, County Line Wild Facebook page October 3, 2016     I live along the South Fork of the Eel River in Northern California and spend a few hours at the river each morning before work photographing the Otters and other Wildlife that...