Board Member Application
River Otter Ecology Project Pursues Board Expansion
We are deeply committed to the preservation and protection of the natural world. We are looking for like-minded individuals interested in devoting and sharing their time and talents to help guide the current and long-term objectives of our organization.
Individuals working with ROEP bring a variety of expertise and interests to our projects. Our organization values transparency and inclusiveness and desires to work with people who represent all backgrounds, ethnicities, and genders in our community. We have an active committee devoted to ensuring we exhibit and act on our values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Thoughtfulness, creativity, mutual respect, and fun are some of the values we hold.
OUR MISSION is to create lasting protections for local waterways using community science, research, education, and advocacy. Our ambassador is the North American River Otter – an indicator of healthy waters. We are committed to making our work accessible, inclusive, and equitable, recognizing that environmental justice and the participation of every voice are essential for meaningful and lasting change.
OUR VISION is a world where all communities are inspired by and connected to preserving local natural waterways for generations to come.
ROEP began as a grassroots effort to assess the status of river otters in the Bay Area. Since that time, we have developed major programs including:
- Otter Spotter Community Science – tracking and documenting river otter presence across the United States. Our vision is to create a national network of conservation advocates, leveraging the appeal of river otters to spark public interest and support waterway restorations and policies.
- Focused research – investigating otter population, range, behavior, and seasonal prey preferences
- Education – classroom presentations, field trips, tabling at environmental events and public presentations for adults and children
- Otters for Waters – This program identifies river otter populations using citizen science observations, builds community understanding and stewardship, and strengthens support for waterway conservation, restoration, and protective policies. We engage people in supporting waterways in their own communities.
- Advocacy – Local advocacy for waterway protection to support healthy watersheds for all.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Megan Isadore, Director. We look forward to hearing from you!

Why contribute as a Board Member?
Our board and team are committed to ensuring our work is effective in supporting and protecting waterways from a very local perspective. Currently we are focused on expanding our regional Otter Spotter program into a national effort called Otters for Waters. We are a small organization with big dreams, and we recognize our need to grow and change while keeping our grassroots individuality, our community focus, and our welcoming and warm character intact. Joining our board can provide the opportunity to make great contributions through the board process.
There is also the opportunity for hands-on volunteer work. Many of our board members accomplish field work, support work, training, speaking, graphics, and development/marketing. Hands-on volunteer work is optional and should be fun!
Qualities/Experience we seek:
• Excited about understanding and participating in the growth and success of River Otter Ecology Project
• Cooperative, friendly, and community-minded
• Creative and open-minded
• Previous board experience is helpful, but not a necessity
We especially seek board members with experience in:
• Business expansion
• Law
If you are interested in exploring potentially working with the ROEP board, we encourage you to read the following outline of member responsibilities. Our website also includes a wealth of information. Then please tell us about yourself in the application form.
Thank you,
Terence Carroll, President
Board Members:
- Have fiduciary responsibility for the organization and oversee compliance with legal and ethical standards
- Help develop major policies to be administered by the Executive Director
- Support the Executive Director and conduct an annual evaluation
- Participate personally and support fundraising goals of the organization.
- Help monitor ROEP programming
- Recruit and orient new board members, with a goal to have membership reflect our constituency
- Participate in strategic planning. Every three to five years, ROEP undertakes an in-depth evaluation with a view toward setting new goals that meet the needs of our constituency
- Have an open mind, demonstrate a commitment to equity and inclusion, and commit to learning and growing in the best interest of the organization
Expectations for board member participation:
- Uphold the ROEP mission and serve as an ambassador of good will to enhance our standing in the community.
- Be familiar with ROEP programming and activities. Reviewing the website, attending events, participating in, or volunteering for activities and programs are good ways to keep abreast of what is happening at ROEP and those it serves. Reading the quarterly board update is required. Our monthly newsletter is another excellent resource.
- Attend and participate in Board meetings which involves 4 to 10 hours every two months.
- If you must miss a meeting, please let the Director, the Secretary, or the President know in advance.
- Board meetings are generally held on the same day of the week and time.
- All meetings are currently held on Zoom.
- Oversee the financial health of ROEP by monitoring the budgets presented at board meetings.
- Contribute to ROEP fundraising efforts and make ROEP your charitable priority. River Otter Ecology Project requires 100% of the Board to donate financially to the organization.
- Attend all fundraising events and other ROEP activities as often as possible.
- Commit to helping to introduce the Executive Director to people or programs that could further our mission either financially or through in-kind assistance.
ROEP Board of Directors Application
The River Otter Ecology Project is a registered 501 (c)(3) EIN #45-4997526 non-profit organization dedicated to the welfare of river otters and our watershed. Our organization is not affiliated with any other otter-related research group or community outreach organization.
© 2024 River Otter Ecology Project