Terence Carroll
Terence Carroll has been a board member of the Environmental Action Committee of West Marin (EAC) since 2007. At EAC, he focuses on land use planning as a means to preserve natural habitat. Terence is currently working on Marin’s Local Coastal Plan and Sea Level Rise planning to ensure that coastal wetlands, water quality, and natural habitat are protected in future County planning decisions. He also works for the protection of public lands and public trust resources.
At ROEP, Terence works on scientific research, strategic planning, and finance. He designed and maintains ROEP’s data collection and management technology systems.
He served for three years on the board of the San Geronimo Valley Planning Group, helping ensure proposed developments were consistent with the existing Community Plan. A long-time volunteer with Marin’s Salmon Protection and Watershed Network (SPAWN), Terence has been active in protecting and conserving the habitat of the endangered salmon in Lagunitas Creek by working on habitat restoration and advocacy.